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Dr. Shantika Lamano provides wellness consulting to those seeking support in their health and wellness goals.
An extensive background in health services…
Dr. Shantika Lamanno OMD
State State Registered Nurse at 18 years of age in the United Kingdom
Employed at University of Birmingham, England, as a research assistant in the Microbiology and Genetics Department.
Moved to USA at 23 years of age and worked as a research associate UCLA in the Biochemistry and Oncology departments for 5 years.
Worked as a Registered Nurse at a busy Pediatric office in Brentwood California for 4 years, then in Family Practice for 5 years.
Ph.D in Oriental Medicine with 120 graduate hours completed in Medical Qigong.
Had a private practice specializing in Women’s Medicine for 20 years.
Martial Artist, and Zen Meditation student of the late Taizen Maezumi.
Licensed in the State of California to practice Acupuncture and Herbology since 1998.